Our Laboratory

The Laboratory of Parasitology, Molecular Virology, and Immunology (PARVIRUSLAB) consists of a network of researchers who, although belonging to three different Departments of UNIMI, namely DISBIOC, DISFEB, and SCIBIS, share projects, funding, spaces, and equipment at Via Pascal 36, Milan.

This network focuses on Parasitology, Virology, and Immunology and originated from two long-standing research groups: the Parasitology and Immunology group, and the Molecular Virology group.

The activities of PARVIRUSLAB are centered on research, teaching, and outreach.
Discover our team members

Fields of interest of our laboratory

We specialise in the study of uncommon pathogens

PARVIRUSLAB's research brings together the study of uncommon pathogens, such as viruses and parasites, from molecular, biological, and pharmacological perspectives in a single laboratory.

We specialize in research on Malaria and Leishmaniasis, as well as new antiparasitic agents, and we are among the few who work on human Polyomaviruses and human Endogenous Retroviruses.

Our work is not limited to research; we also engage in education and provide services that are useful for companies.